Alecia Renece Photography

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3 Reasons Why Photographers Absolutely Need A Contract

3 Reasons Why Photographers Need A Contract

Today we’re gonna talk about something that’s not so exciting, but is super important for any photographer, or any creative for that matter to have; a contract.

So, Why Do You Need A Contract?

To Solidify Details

Without a contract, everything is up in the air. Even though we can have an in depth conversation, details can be forgotten, people can be misleading and unclear about their expectations, and disappointment is almost always a guarantee.

When you have a contract that outlines every expectation in detail, everyone is on the same page and everyone is clear on what is expected.

CYOB: Cover Your Own Butt

Even though we pray this never happens, a client may feel inclined to take you to court over something that wasn’t made clear to them. With a contract that the client looked over and signed, you can use this document to protect yourself.

If, for example, your client takes you to court or wants to sue you because they expected 20 photos from their photo shoot and you only delivered 10, if that was made clear on the document, then your butt is covered.

If you did not have the document, you may have to deliver more work or even pay them a refund (or more) based on her word of mouth. Documents have a much better memory than our own have.

You Appear Professional to Your Client

Having a Contract to present to your client adds an extra layer of professionalism to your business that word of mouth, or even back and forth emails can’t. You lock in the expectations, the dates and all of that, and you look like a professional in your field (which you are, by the way).


So as you can see, while a contract may be a boring and daunting element of your photography career, it is absolutely imperative to have one in EVERY situation, even free shoots.

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