Alecia Renece Photography

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Take Time. Take Care. - Black Woman Self Portrait on Self Care

My natural hair has taught me a lot about self care and how harshly I've dealt with myself over the years.

I still struggle with looking at my Hair and the maintenance of of it as a chore, instead of a privilege.

I shared that journey on my podcast The Free Black Woman Podcast.

Sometimes I see the work of doing my hair as a burden instead of an opportunity to take my time with myself, to love on myself, to nurture myself.

I’m not gonna lie. In the end, my fingers hurt, my shoulders kink up, and sometimes my hair don't be cooperating with me.

But I'm challenging myself to see myself as worthy of the time and energy it takes to keep up with and take care of myself.

I'm challenging myself to see the beauty in my defiant and strong hair.

Instead of being frustrated with it, maybe I can celebrate the fact that my hair likes to be be close to me, likes to dance in circles around itself, giving me warmth and love... And maybe I can learn a lot from her.